Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Two Children's Songs

I love finding fun and singable ditties for teaching preschool kids - ones that have a good melody line and are not pure goofiness - and was feeling like something new today as I  pondered this morning's class over my breakfast. These two I came up with and can't wait to teach them!

B-L-U-E Spells Blue - to the tune of "Happy Birthday"

B-L-U-E spells BLUE!
B-L-U-E spells BLUE!
Like a clear sky (stretch up arms)
Or a blue-bird (flap arms)
B-L-U-E spells BLUE!

B-L-U-E spells BLUE!
B-L-U-E spells BLUE!
Like the ocean (stretch out arms)
Or the blue whale (join pointed hands and make diving motion)
B-L-U-E spells BLUE!

The second song I made for "J" week and think it will be fun to play with.

If The Jellyfish Are Coming - to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know It" 

(Student 1 volunteers to be jellyfish and stand next to the teacher looking menacing and dangling fingers. Student 2 volunteers to be daughter and stand on other side of teacher)
If the jellyfish are coming, get away! ( All march in place)
If the jellyfish are coming, get away!
If you see them in the water (shade eyes and look appalled at 'jellyfish')
Get to dry land with your daughter (teacher clasps hand of 'daughter' and 'flees' to the other side of the room)
If the jellyfish are coming get away!

Students can rotate taking turns to be jellyfish and daughter until everyone has a turn and knows the song!

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