I've just finished a lovely book - James Good's Famous Women of the Reformed Church. The final chapter - the only one about an American woman, was on Mrs. Thomas Doremus, a woman who gave herself to constant industry for the advancement of God's kingdom.
There were two secrets to her wonderful life, personal consecration and untiring activity. Thus when the Woman's Missionary Society met at her house and she was asked if this or that could be done, her reply was "All I have is the Lord's" For her to live was Christ.Reading about such zealous lives inspires me to more diligent and faithful service in the kingdom. I want this to be said of me! Soli Deo gloria!
Her activity was as great as her consecration. Her favorite text was, "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might." As her health was generally delicate and she suffered for many years from pulmonary troubles, she often said "I do today for fear tomorrow will never come."
"Well, here is her epitaph, written 1800 years ago by St. Paul, 'Well reported of for good works, she hath brought up children, she hath lodged strangers, she hath washed the saints' feet, she hath relieved the afflicted, she hath diligently followed every good work.'"