(oops! someone erased the 2, it's supposed to be 4-12!)
This past week we have been busy with VBS at Edinburgh Bible church. Our whole family helped. My main part was teaching the missionary story each day - the amazing and God-glorifying story of Adoniram Judson (unfortunately, but necessarily abridged to fit a little time slot and little minds) It was truly a joy to plant God's truth in young minds and pray that He would bear fruit through it in years to come. One of the best parts was teaching a room full of 140 children to sing some new songs. Each year, we've taught a hymn, and it is a joy to hear the building resound with their young voices. "Glorious is Thy Name, O Lord!"We got some pictures today, most of them I took during outdoor games.

Two Christophers. One of them is my brother. :o) The other one was one of the most unruly children at VBS! Christopher, my brother was trying to teach him his Bible verse, 2 Cor. 5:17 - "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come!" (NIV) He definitely needs that work done in his heart. (When talking to me, he did not want to acknowledge that he was a sinner!) We are praying for the word of God to bear fruit in young lives.

Little Priya would not give me a smile all week. (And I tried to get one from her many times!)
It is sad to see children from poor, unhappy homes.

These three girls (playing Simon says) tied first place in points for the younger girls. The two on the left are the youngest daughters of our national co-workers.

Amzad. He lives in our village. Recently he broke his arm while climbing around in the sawmill yard near our house. He seems to be quite proud of his cast now. :o) He is a brother to "Jacob" of the former post.

Here are some cuties I just "had" to capture on film.


Mother, Kelly and I at the end of the last day. (For Guyanese, it's proper to pose for a picture without showing teeth. Kellyactually is a very smiley person :o)
It was a tiring weak, but a good one, and all the praise for that goes to our very good God!
"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap,
if we do not give up." - Galatians 6:9 ESV
I'm sorry about some of the text in this post being too small. For some reason I can't fix it. At any rate, I hope you enjoy the post!
Those are great pictures Alyssa! You are a gifted photographer-thanks for sharing some great pictures of one of my homes!
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