Thursday, September 14, 2006

"Gospel Story"

a song I wrote

The God of heaven is all good.
Holy is His name.
His essence fire, light and love,
Sweet water, purest flame

I am His creature, made for Him,
But sinful, I rebel.
His glory I've shown not, but dimmed,
And justly deserve Hell.

Therefore, when God became a man,
Lived, loved without a flaw;
Then in agony died for my sin -
I can't but stand in awe.

What love is His; what grace He showed,
What perfect pow'r and plan.
To pay the debt His creatures owed,
God's Son became a man.

I'll stumble not; I shall believe,
With faith that He has giv'n.
This truth I'll trust; this Christ receive,
And hope with joy for heav'n.

- Alyssa Colby

This "hymn" can be sung to the tune "Kentucky Harmony" found in some hymnbooks.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Alyssa: That's beautiful. I'd love to hear it. God bless!