A man selling water coconuts (my favorite beverage!)
A cute little Muslim girl waiting at the ferry crossing

After we got to Georgetown, "Uncle" Scott took us into Kwakwani - a 3-5 hour journey, most of it along the Kwakwani trail.

Christopher had us stop quite often so he could look at birds. Stopping along the way was a nice chance to look at some of the neat aspects of God's creation...

We enjoyed our time with the "Uncle" Scott and "Aunt" Faith and their three kids
We had fun helping in the kitchen.
Kwakwani is in the interior. It's beautiful and jungly (It has lots of snakes too; thankfully we didn't see any this time!) On Saturday morning, a guy, who attends the church there, took our family on a boat ride down the river.

It was quite hot, but we saw some beautiful scenery.

For all his kindness shown,
And for his works so wonderful
Which he to men makes known!"
- from Psalm 107 Trinity Hymnal #83
We had a good service at Kwakwani Bible Church. Daddy preached from Titus 3:1-2, on how believers in Christ treat Authorities, the Needy, Enemies and Everyone (see it on the chalkboard?) I got out the camera after the service...

Elizabeth with a friend
Lots of ladies

A girl with her -cute!- baby brother

A girl with her -cute!- baby brother
We are thankful for the blessed time together God gave us and for His protection in our travels. It's good to be home again.

But for me it is good to be near God;
I have made the Lord God my refuge,
that I may tell of all your works.
Psalm 73:28 ESV
that I may tell of all your works.
Psalm 73:28 ESV
1 comment:
Great pictures, Alyssa!
Thanks for posting! It's nice to get an idea of what your travels look like! ;-)
The scenery reminds me alot of our time in the deep south of Mexico...
brought back alot of memories! :-)
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