When thou seest it coming, meet it in Christ;
when it is come feel that thou art more in Christ than in it,
for He is nearer thee than affliction ever can be;
when it is passing, still abide in Him.
And let the one thought of the Saviour, as He speaks of the pruning, and the one desire of the Father, as He does the pruning, be thine too:
"Every branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth, that it may bring forth more fruit."
So shall thy times of affliction becomes thy times of choicest blessing, - preparation for richest fruitfulness.
Led into closer fellowship with the Son of God, and deeper experience of his love and grace, -
established in the blessed confidence that He and thou entirely belong to each other, -
more completely satisfied with Him and more wholly given up to Him than ever before, -
with thine own will crucified afresh, and the heart brought into deeper harmony with God's will, - thou shalt be a vessel cleansed, meet for the Master's use, prepared for every good work."
- from Abide in Christ by Andrew Murray
1 comment:
Amen! And beautiful picture!
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